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Motorola is a multinational telecommunications company with a rich history and a significant impact on the tech industry. Founded in 1928, it initially focused on providing battery eliminators for radios. Over the years, Motorola expanded its reach, becoming a pioneer in numerous technological advancements.


One of its most famous achievements was the development of the first handheld mobile phone in 1973. The company continued to innovate in the mobile communication space, introducing iconic devices like the Motorola Razr, which became a cultural icon for its sleek design and functionality.


Apart from mobile phones, Motorola has contributed to various technologies, including two-way radios, semiconductor technologies, and telecommunications infrastructure. In 2011, Motorola Mobility, the mobile phone division, was acquired by Google and later passed on to Lenovo in 2014.


Motorola's legacy of innovation, particularly in the realm of communication technology, has made it a significant player in shaping how we connect and communicate in the modern world. Today, the brand remains synonymous with quality, durability, and technological advancements in the mobile and communication industries.

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